Vacant Sites

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Increase AdSense Reveue

i have started to optimize myself to actually seriously try this out.

i haven't been putting my effort into finding out how much i need to do to make this happen. i've found good articles here and there on web search engine optimization, good adsense income generation, hopefully for it to become full time.
here is one i'd share with the rest of the world.

other than that, google site itself has pretty good video on how to maximize profit using AdSense. it tells you to have as much page with good ads as possible, include many keywords, etc.

summary: marketing your website, running as many good websites as possible, have huge network on the web, stuff like that just adds up to your total revenue.

being web designer myself i found this to be highly fruitful side business.
Thanks to google!


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